
Insider’s Italy and Acqua di San Giovanni

The minute tonight’s sun had set, I bolted off to collect a single flower from a list of beautiful wildflowers that I have been eyeing […]

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Friends of Friends

With two generations of family preceding me in Rome, you might well imagine the number of people who make up my continually expanding circle of […]

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The Joy of Italy’s Regional Diversity

When Italy was unified in 1861, it was unlikely that two Italians living 50 miles apart would understand much of what the other said. To […]

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The Insider’s Cilento

When I travelled onto the Cilento Coast last week, I was in an Italy that I thought had disappeared.  It felt very much like one […]

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Insider’s Italy Celebrates Water !

Italy celebrates National Museum Week this week, and has chosen this day to dedicate to the theme of water. Water was fundamental to the development […]

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Marjorie’s Italy Blog comes to you from Italy and is a regular feature written for curious, independent Italy lovers. It is enjoyed both by current travelers and armchair adventurers.