The Continuing Adventures of the Roman Winter

Having taken my cue from Rome children, I was over-dressed this morning at 7 when I slipped down the hill into old Rome to see what wonders nature had deposited on my birthplace city.

After decades of calling the Victor Emanuel Monument the “Typewriter Left Out in the Snow” it was gratifying to see the Typewriter actually out in the snow.

The drip drip drip of fast melting snow was the metronome for me as I lowered my jacket zip centimeter by centimeter, till soon I was jacket free (gloves and hat were also shed.)
On my return home however, over a lusty lunchtime lentil soup, this began..
The drama continues ! Sleds out, hats back on, and off we go once again into the capricious Roman winter of February 2012….

Meet Marjorie
Insider’s Italy is an experienced family business that draws on my family’s four generations of life in Italy. I personally plan your travels. It is my great joy to share with you my family’s hundred-year-plus archive of Italian delights, discoveries and special friends.