February 11, 2012

The Continuing Adventures of the Roman Winter

Having taken my cue from Rome children, I was over-dressed this morning at 7 when I slipped down the hill into old Rome to see what wonders nature had deposited on my birthplace city.

I creaked as I walked, in five layers, including the wooly undershirt and the Moonboots.
Here is what I found.
Colosseum looking towards the Arch of Titus and Roman Forum
Marcus Aurelius surveys his city
Arch of Septimius Severus at the northwest end of the Roman Forum
Arch of Constantine and the Palatine

Arch of Constantine
Colosseum and the Arch of Constantine
Temple of Venus and Rome in the Roman Forum
The chilly centurion
Circus Maximus looking toward the Palatine
Circus Maximus
San Giorgio al Velabro
Temple of Hercules Victor
Arch of Janus with San Giorgio al Velabro in background
The Tiber Island
Four faced Janus sculpture on the Roman bridge onto Tiber island
Sant'Angelo in Pescheria with little snow crown
Theater of Marcellus looking towards the Capitoline
Last weekend, after the big snowstorm, the cats were not allowed out of the Largo Argentina cat sanctuary but today they were loose.
Pussycat paw prints at the Cat Sanctuary at Largo Argentina
Massimo at the Largo Argentina Cat Sanctuary

After decades of calling the Victor Emanuel Monument the “Typewriter Left Out in the Snow” it was gratifying to see the Typewriter actually out in the snow.

The Typewriter Left Out in the Snow
The Campidoglio steps are cleared of snow. The steep Ara Coeli church steps have already been cleared

The drip drip drip of fast melting snow was the metronome for me as I lowered my jacket zip centimeter by centimeter, till soon I was jacket free (gloves and hat were also shed.)

On my return home however, over a lusty lunchtime lentil soup, this began..

The drama continues !  Sleds out, hats back on, and off we go once again into the capricious Roman winter of February 2012….



Meet Marjorie

Insider’s Italy is an experienced family business that draws on my family’s four generations of life in Italy. I personally plan your travels. It is my great joy to share with you my family’s hundred-year-plus archive of Italian delights, discoveries and special friends.

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