April 1, 2011

Pesce D’Aprile

Italy-wide, pranks, jokes and tricks are underway, marking a national festa called “April Fish”, or April Fools.  This centuries-old celebration appears to be associated with the vernal equinox, which prior to the adoption of the Gregorian calendar in 1582, was observed as New Year by many cultures, and usually occured between March 25 to April 1, this till the Gregorian reforms moved it back to January 1.  From France came the early tradition of delivering empty gift parcels, an April Fool’s joke… a Pesce d’Aprile.

Insider’s Italy might even have joined in the tradition (ask us for our April 1, 2011 Newsletter).

All Insider’s Italy children traveling today have received their own Pesce d’Aprile, a chocolate shaped fish we’ve delivered all across Italy. For some reason chocolate with gills, tails and fins seems all the better enjoyed today.

Buon Pesce d’Aprile !

Meet Marjorie

Insider’s Italy is an experienced family business that draws on my family’s four generations of life in Italy. I personally plan your travels. It is my great joy to share with you my family’s hundred-year-plus archive of Italian delights, discoveries and special friends.

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