Raise the Curtain on 2025 !

A sympathetic friend once said : “When I’m not in Italy, I cannot stand to think that the country starts the new year without me.”
He is right, of course. Start your New Year in Italy.
First and foremost : in Florence !
Florence is a dream in January ! One hundred minutes by high speed train from Rome and readily accessed via the tranquil Florence airport.
Insider’s Italy’s tailored planning guarantees lovely accommodation in the coziest of winter hotels, with dream views from its terraces and toasty sunroom/bar.
Views both by night and day.
Light-filled, tasteful accommodation, with lots of space to truly unpack, and feel at home.
We assure the pleasure of marvelous seasonal food, enjoyed at restaurants with Italians. (The tourist season is still months away.)
Time.. everyone has time for you. It is the winter.

The traditional stores that I love, part of my Florence for all of my life, will be so pleased to welcome you.
Streets that in months ahead will be busy, in January encourage reflection and quiet enjoyment.
Museums that will fill with visitors, in January allow you the luxury of space, to look for as long as you wish.
To build an appetite for what is surely the world’s best hot chocolate, at Gilli..
Take my two favorite walks : best in the sfumato winter afternoon Tuscan light ?
Or do you prefer the morning winter Tuscan light ?
Cast off your coat, and settle down to enjoy one of Europe’s great panoramas.
New Year and January in Florence, expertly planned by Insider’s Italy. Let’s take you there !

Meet Marjorie
Insider’s Italy is an experienced family business that draws on my family’s four generations of life in Italy. I personally plan your travels. It is my great joy to share with you my family’s hundred-year-plus archive of Italian delights, discoveries and special friends.