The Gardening Event of the Year
Those friends who do not love gardens please read no further.
Those who love gardens — or people or dog watching, because both are great fun here, as Roman “society” and their four legged friends all enjoy converging at Landriana — will enjoy this post.
Marchesa Lavinia Taverna made her garden in 1956 in a luxuriant Italian-English style. She spent 40 years extending and evolving the garden, aided by Russell Page whom she enlisted to give it structure.
We arrange visits to Landriana, with car and driver, from Rome – the distance is only about an hour. We like to combine with this another of our arcadian garden favorites, Ninfa (which must be visited in a very special way) and, if time permits, an extraordinary hill-top archeological site close by which is unknown to almost everyone.
We have an outstanding docent to accompany you on your garden visits, if you wish. She has studied gardens, professionally designed gardens and gardened herself in Italy for close to three decades.
Every year (this year April 20 – 23) Landriana hosts a magnificent Garden Fair. We have one client who plans her annual travels around its dates.
The olive trees, cypresses and meandering borders frame exhibitors’ displays, creating individual gardens within a garden.
We never miss the Garden Fair here. If you love to garden, nor should you.
Much of what grows on our terrace comes from Landriana.
Clients and friends have told me how much inspiration they find here for their own gardens.
Exhibitors, many of whom speak English, are relaxed and approachable. The atmosphere is party-like and sweet.
Meet Marjorie
Insider’s Italy is an experienced family business that draws on my family’s four generations of life in Italy. I personally plan your travels. It is my great joy to share with you my family’s hundred-year-plus archive of Italian delights, discoveries and special friends.